What Will Monday Bring?

I know it happens to every mum. I know I’ll survive.  But my little boy heads to Pre-Prep (Kindergarten) on Monday!! He will be three years and eight months old. He is my little boy but insists of telling me he is a BIG boy now!! I am excited, nervous, sad, but also happy. I pray that we have made the right choice of school, that he will make friends, that he likes his teachers, that he will find the toilet, that he will pack up, that he will use a nice voice, that he will share/take turns…….. BUT really I hope he loves it and has fun!! We have met his teachers.  We have played in his classroom.  We have practiced eating out of the lunch box. I have made the Kindy sheets (which are very cute). We have our uniform. And will do a last minute drive by on Sunday to refresh Ben’s memory. He doesn’t really say much but seems to be excited.  Here he is practicing how to eat using a lunch box.


On Monday I will wear my sunglasses and hide my tears. Better still I will try not to cry until I reach the car. I am not even sure what the tears are all about…. but I am a little emotional just writing this. I think the tears are all about …… I love my not so little boy Ben xo.


Our New Visitor!!!

If you were driving through Pine Mountain this afternoon you could have been mistaken that you were watching a bad comedy show. It all began around 4.oopm, I noticed a gentleman on his afternoon walk stop to admire our chickens. At the time I thought this was lovely. But about half an hour later I went to the ladies…… and looked out the window to admire the peaceful view and I saw this huge bird attacking the chickens….

If you were driving through Pine Mountain this afternoon you could have been mistaken that you were watching a bad comedy show.   It all began around 4.oopm, I noticed a gentleman on his afternoon walk stop to admire our chickens.  At the time I thought this was lovely.  But about half an hour later I went to the ladies……  and looked out the window to admire the peaceful view and  I saw this huge bird attacking the chickens…. something the not so gentlemanly gentleman must have stopped to watch.  So nice of him to knock on the door and let me know.  I raced out of the bathroom (still pulling up pants)  to save Honda, Buzz, Penny Penny and Woof.  Bonnie came running with me and Ben stood on the verandah screaming that something was killing his chickens! I reached the chicken’s gate and realised I had nothing to shoo this horrible bird away.  I raced back on the verandah and grabbed the plastic watering can (not sure what I was thinking).  I am certain at this point I still had not done up my pants and  realised that I could not open the gate, hold my pants up and hold the watering can at the same time.  I dropped the watering can, did up the pants and was in the pen thinking…… Mmmm what the hell can I do.  I starting banging on the watering can and making ridiculous noises at the bird which at this time I recognised to be a Scrub Turkey.  My noise did nothing to deter the horrible bird from standing on Penny Penny (Ben’s screaming made no difference either!).   Bonnie stepped up and started barking and darting at the fence and the Scrub Turkey let go of Penny Penny and ran for the other chickens.  I managed to grab my phone out of my pocket and take a blurred picture of the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE BIRD!  It then took a flying leap over the chickens and into the block next to us.  At this time I thought it was gone and tended to the petrified hens, checked Ben was ok and congratulated Bonnie on her heroic actions.  After about fifteen minutes the horrible bird was back….. but this time didn’t make it in the pen.  Bonnie was off after it, she did the bolt and chased it ….. I don’t know where because I lost Bonnie!  It was at this point I became hysterical that I couldn’t find Bonnie.  I was running up and down the fence calling Bonnie while ringing Andrew in tears that I had lost the dog.  Benjamin was still screaming on the verandah but now there were tears because he was so distraught Bonnie was missing.  All I could think of was …….. I hate that BLOODY Scrub Turkey.  Finally after about fifteen minutes or so of shouting and running all over, Bonnie appeared and got cuddled up and roused at (all in the space of about two seconds), the chickens got locked up, Ben got cuddles and kisses from myself and Bonnie and I was wondering why the hell did I ring Andrew hysterically in tears for help ….. he can’t help he’s at work fifty minutes away…….hilarious!!!!

Later when we had all recovered from our little adventure I did a little research about our lovely visitor.  It’s not so great news….they are protected, you aren’t supposed to trap them or relocate them without a license and chances are it has a nest close by!!  Stay tuned for more adventures with our new visitor……


Blurred Bonnie and blurred Scrub Turkey!!

Welcome home Honda and Penny-Penny

Since we live on a “property” now, we thought that we ought to put on some “stock”.  We now have two chickens named Honda and Penny Penny.

First we had to assemble the chook pen.  All hands on deck – thanks to Grandad George and Nanny.  We also purchased our feed and water containers.


Play pen !

Second job was site preparation.  We fenced off a corner about 20m x  10m.  Thanks to Grandad and Gamma for lending a hand.

Carefully selected site.  Chook yard still under construction.

Ready to go.

Then, we just added chickens.  Buying chickens is apparently like buying eggs, prepackaged in a convenience box.  We got our red hens from Stocks Produce, just around the corner from our place and the chook pen from Risson Produce in Ipswich.  We are also going to add four Silkies when we can find some.

This is how you buy chooks these days.  In a box from the supermarket !

Honda and Penny Penny

Honda (I think?)

Ben loves them, and just wants to help.

All done, Penny Penny is upstairs and Honda is in the basement.


Now with a little love and care we wait for the magical first egg.  Ben checks everyday. So far the reports have been “No Eggs Mum, just poo!”

Ben Goes Shopping!!!

Andrew, Ben and I popped into Coles to grab some last minute groceries for our holiday.  Andrew convinced me that Ben would be fine walking and he didn’t need to be in a trolley.  Ben enjoyed holding the basket and walking with us.   He was greeted by smiles from other shoppers.   But……… the basket got heavy and Ben could no longer carry it.  It took a whole five seconds of not holding the basket and Ben was off.  Andrew chased Ben and I continued the shopping.  I moved through a few aisles when I came across Ben.  He was having a great time leaning in the milk fridge licking the tops of the milk bottles.  Why….. who knows!!   Andrew was nowhere to be seen.  I picked up Ben and quickly moved away from the milk hoping no one saw.  Finally Andrew comes down the aisle a little short of breath.  MMmmmmm I think I will be using the trolley for a little while longer or taking two baskets one for me and one for Ben!

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There’s a bear in there…..

IMG_0567.JPGPlay School live shows are specially designed to delight children and parents alike.  Ben, Andrew, Chris, Bree, Joseph and myself recently attended a concert at Cavendish Road High School Hall.  The  show features 40 minutes of songs, games and stories with two of the TV Shows presenters (Leah and Teo) along with many of the well-loved toys.  Everything in the concerts was carefully paced especially for the little ones. There was songs to move to, as well as quiet times to just watch and listen.   Ben and Joseph just adored it.  They spent most of the time on our laps clapping and singing but did work up the courage to get up and dance.  It was fantastic – highly recommended!

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I wish I lived in Wonderland!

IMG_0691.JPGThe Children’s Gallery at the Ipswich Art Gallery is Australia’s first dedicated art gallery for children. It is a place where children can imagine, create and discover. The current exhibition is – I wished I lived in Wonderland. Emerging artist Rose Skinner created this highly detailed installations using found objects, plastic, coloured sugar,lollies, toys and furniture. From 26 June until 24 July Rose  worked, in public view, to create I wish I lived in Wonderland. Wonderland is a unique installation created especially for the Children’s Gallery for an audience of children and families. The installation  encourages children to explore, discover and imagine. Children are able to contribute to Wonderland by making small items for inclusion in the installation.  They are also  encouraged to respond to Wonderland by making their own artworks to take home.

Ben, Andrew and I visited the Children’s gallery again this morning for Morning Stories – an interactive story and art making session.  Ben once again loved exploring the installation.   He responds to the exhibition differently each time we visit.  Initially he was just overwhelmed by all it entailed but now he is more focused looking intently at what there is to discover.    Ben was especially focused this morning at the art making table.  He snipped away with the scissors with great concentration.  We were still at the table when everyone else had moved on.  Those who know Ben know that this is very unusual!!

For anyone who is traveling this way or lives locally I would suggest that you pop in for a visit.  They have focused sessions – Creative Cupcakes, Morning Stories, Toddler Wonderland, Baby Wonderland that you need to book for but otherwise there is always art making available.  Expect the unexpected when you visit I wish I lived in Wonderland .  It is even home to live rats living in renovated television sets.

