Why Blog?

I feel the need to let you know why I photograph and document Ben’s life.  Originally  Andrew set up the blog and I thought his suggestion for me to add to it was ridiculous – as a new mum I barely had enough time to shower.  Well now  I am hooked.  I think It comes from my background.  I have a Diploma of Photography and a Degree in Education – Early Childhood.  Before Ben was born I was involved in the Ed Queensland Prep Trial with a focus on assessment.  Assessment in Prep is documenting children’s learning.  So it  is natural for me to document Ben’s life.  I can imagine some people who  read the blog might think the entries aren’t that different to what most children do.  And yes that is so but it is exciting for us because it is our son’s journey.  I already look back at the earlier entries and am amazed at Ben’s development.  I just wanted to let you know when I write on the blog I have my ‘Mummy Goggles’ on.  Every step of Ben’s life is a wonderful adventure for us as a family.  I love to blog  about Ben and especially love when family and friends  comment.  I hope one day that Ben will also enjoy and appreciate the effort.

The Wiggles Go Bananas

IMG_5518.JPGIt had been a long wait to see the Wiggles.  I purchased the tickets just after Christmas for the ‘Wiggles Go Bananas’ concert in May.  We were very excited to attend (well…. maybe not Andrew who went under protest!).  I had pumped Ben up ready but I am not sure he had a clue what was going on.  When the show started he clung to Andrew …… slightly terrified.  But  eventually warmed up when Dorothy, Wags, Henry and Captain Feathersword came on stage.

I have to say I was a little disappointed with the concert.   There was alot of talking, a lot of acrobatic ……. rubbish, the stage seemed crowded  and the production wasn’t polished.    I had heard great reports regarding previous concerts but  this one just didn’t hold the kids attention.  It was disappointing……………. but we still love Murray (cose he plays the guitar!).


The Abyss No More

Over the past year or so our spare room has been accumulating stuff. Not junk, but stuff we had not found a spot for, or were too lazy to put in. Well it got to the point that we could barely open the door let alone have a visitor sleep in the bed. We were calling it The Abyss.

Over the past year or so our spare room has been accumulating stuff. Not junk, but stuff we had not found a spot for, or were too lazy to put away. Most of it was excess clothes (too small) and toys (too young) that Benjamin has outgrown.  Well it got to the point that we could barely open the door let alone have a visitor sleep in the bed.

We were calling it The Abyss.
Our spare bedroom after much inattention.  It\'s amazing how you can ignore a mess by closing the door. Our spare bedroom after much inattention.  It\'s amazing how you can ignore a mess by closing the door.
We recently decided it was time to sort it out (actually Belinda mainly decided, as I find it amazingly easy to ignore mess by closing doors).
The Abyss is no more. Yay !

Ta Da !, can you believe this is the same room only two days later. Ta Da !, can you believe this is the same room only two days later.

We will try to keep it this way (at least for a while).

Jetskiing at Chinchilla

Mmmm Jet Ski, just like Uncle Phil\'s and Aunty Tam\'s. This one belongs to Aunty Tina and Uncle Cam. We are at the Chinchilla Weir, which thanks to recent rain is almost 100% full.We recently headed out to Chinchilla for Maggie’s 3rd birthday. When we arrived Cam, Tina, Tam, Phil, Tom and Maggie were out at the weir with the Jetskis. Ben took a immediate shine to his Aunty Tina who let him sit on the Jetskis.  He also was allowed to wear his cousin Maggie’s pink sun glasses.  He was in heaven!!   Tam also got Belinda on the back on the Jetski.  She promised not to tip her off!  It was such a beautiful day – a nice change from all the hot weather we have been having.

Ben quite liked these lovely pink sunglasses. Borrowed from cousin Maggie. Belinda finally had a ride on the jet ski with Tam. Belinda finally had a ride on the jet ski with Tam.

A Quiet Moment….

Today was  a testing day.  Ben tested most of his boundaries just in case they had changed.  So there was  a few tantrums when he realised that the rules hadn’t changed in his favor!  I was nearly at the end of my tether when I noticed all had gone quiet except for this little voice coming from the lounge.  Ben had curled up with his favorite books and was reading.  He was turning the pages and saying words.  My little boy is growing up and wow it is so lovely to witness.  His favorite books at the moment are Busy Railway by Rebecca Finn (he turns the pages saying ‘toot toot choo choo’).  He also enjoys Row Row Row Your Boat by Trace Moroney and Baa Baa Black Sheep by Brimax  (he says ‘Row row row’ and ‘Baa Baa’).  Some other favorites are Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell, Noisey Cars by Bright Baby, Gallop by Rufus Butler Seder, Cats by Baby Einstein  and Playschool Numbers by ABC.  We have story time every night before he goes to bed.  It is my favorite part of the day.

Busy Railway_.jpgRow Row Row Your Boat.jpgBaa-Baa-Black-Sheep.jpgDear Zoo.jpgNoisy Car.jpgGallop.jpgCats.jpgPlayschool Numbers.jpg

Wheel of Brisbane at Southbank Parklands

We recently visited Southbank Parklands at Brisbane. It has been quite a while since we were last there and a lot has changed. As usual we parked in the underground levels and then took a casual stroll from one end to the other (heading towards the performing arts complex) following the arbour.

Ben walked along most of the way with Belinda, Grandma Karen and I. It was a bright and sunny day so we tried to encourage Ben to wear his hat and sunnies (didn’t last too long).

Ben and Andrew at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben and Andrew at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben and Andrew at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.

Ben soon discovered that if he held on to two sets of hands he could get lifted high into the air (great fun). Well as you can see he loved it (again and again and again). Not so sure this is great for his shoulders??!!

Ben, Grandma Karen and Andrew at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben, Grandma Karen and Andrew at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.

The Wheel of Brisbane at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.
Of course we were intending to take a ride on the new (and temporary) Wheel of Brisbane.

The wheel is a large ferris wheel with fully enclosed and air conditioned capsules that lifts to nearly 60m.  A surprisingly gentle ride, comfortable and a fantastic view.  Belinda is not fond of heights, but found the ride quite enjoyable.

Ben was surprisingly quite initially. He just sat on my lap and took in the view.

Grandma Karen in The Wheel of Brisbane at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben and Andrew in The Wheel of Brisbane at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.

Afterwards we followed the arbour back to the beach.  The last time we took Ben to the beach at the Gold Coast he was not particularly interested.  This time though he was intrigued !.  Perhaps it was the lack of crashing waves and wind.  We walked up and down in the edge of the water, past lots of people (and kids) enjoying the cool water.  Ben chatted away, pointed to the kids splashing, jumped up down himself and generally had fun.  I think our next visit to the real beach will be much better.

Ben and Andrew enjoying the 'beach' at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben and Andrew enjoying the 'beach' at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.Ben and Andrew enjoying the 'beach' at Southbank Parklands Brisbane.

On the way back to the car we discovered one of the new attractions.  Aquativity is a fantastic new water play area for kids but we didn’t have our togs. Oh well a great excuse to come back another day.