A Quiet Moment….

Today was  a testing day.  Ben tested most of his boundaries just in case they had changed.  So there was  a few tantrums when he realised that the rules hadn’t changed in his favor!  I was nearly at the end of my tether when I noticed all had gone quiet except for this little voice coming from the lounge.  Ben had curled up with his favorite books and was reading.  He was turning the pages and saying words.  My little boy is growing up and wow it is so lovely to witness.  His favorite books at the moment are Busy Railway by Rebecca Finn (he turns the pages saying ‘toot toot choo choo’).  He also enjoys Row Row Row Your Boat by Trace Moroney and Baa Baa Black Sheep by Brimax  (he says ‘Row row row’ and ‘Baa Baa’).  Some other favorites are Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell, Noisey Cars by Bright Baby, Gallop by Rufus Butler Seder, Cats by Baby Einstein  and Playschool Numbers by ABC.  We have story time every night before he goes to bed.  It is my favorite part of the day.

Busy Railway_.jpgRow Row Row Your Boat.jpgBaa-Baa-Black-Sheep.jpgDear Zoo.jpgNoisy Car.jpgGallop.jpgCats.jpgPlayschool Numbers.jpg