If you were driving through Pine Mountain this afternoon you could have been mistaken that you were watching a bad comedy show. It all began around 4.oopm, I noticed a gentleman on his afternoon walk stop to admire our chickens. At the time I thought this was lovely. But about half an hour later I went to the ladies…… and looked out the window to admire the peaceful view and I saw this huge bird attacking the chickens….
If you were driving through Pine Mountain this afternoon you could have been mistaken that you were watching a bad comedy show. It all began around 4.oopm, I noticed a gentleman on his afternoon walk stop to admire our chickens. At the time I thought this was lovely. But about half an hour later I went to the ladies…… and looked out the window to admire the peaceful view and I saw this huge bird attacking the chickens…. something the not so gentlemanly gentleman must have stopped to watch. So nice of him to knock on the door and let me know. I raced out of the bathroom (still pulling up pants) to save Honda, Buzz, Penny Penny and Woof. Bonnie came running with me and Ben stood on the verandah screaming that something was killing his chickens! I reached the chicken’s gate and realised I had nothing to shoo this horrible bird away. I raced back on the verandah and grabbed the plastic watering can (not sure what I was thinking). I am certain at this point I still had not done up my pants and realised that I could not open the gate, hold my pants up and hold the watering can at the same time. I dropped the watering can, did up the pants and was in the pen thinking…… Mmmm what the hell can I do. I starting banging on the watering can and making ridiculous noises at the bird which at this time I recognised to be a Scrub Turkey. My noise did nothing to deter the horrible bird from standing on Penny Penny (Ben’s screaming made no difference either!). Bonnie stepped up and started barking and darting at the fence and the Scrub Turkey let go of Penny Penny and ran for the other chickens. I managed to grab my phone out of my pocket and take a blurred picture of the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE BIRD! It then took a flying leap over the chickens and into the block next to us. At this time I thought it was gone and tended to the petrified hens, checked Ben was ok and congratulated Bonnie on her heroic actions. After about fifteen minutes the horrible bird was back….. but this time didn’t make it in the pen. Bonnie was off after it, she did the bolt and chased it ….. I don’t know where because I lost Bonnie! It was at this point I became hysterical that I couldn’t find Bonnie. I was running up and down the fence calling Bonnie while ringing Andrew in tears that I had lost the dog. Benjamin was still screaming on the verandah but now there were tears because he was so distraught Bonnie was missing. All I could think of was …….. I hate that BLOODY Scrub Turkey. Finally after about fifteen minutes or so of shouting and running all over, Bonnie appeared and got cuddled up and roused at (all in the space of about two seconds), the chickens got locked up, Ben got cuddles and kisses from myself and Bonnie and I was wondering why the hell did I ring Andrew hysterically in tears for help ….. he can’t help he’s at work fifty minutes away…….hilarious!!!!
Later when we had all recovered from our little adventure I did a little research about our lovely visitor. It’s not so great news….they are protected, you aren’t supposed to trap them or relocate them without a license and chances are it has a nest close by!! Stay tuned for more adventures with our new visitor……

Blurred Bonnie and blurred Scrub Turkey!!