Ben Goes Shopping!!!

Andrew, Ben and I popped into Coles to grab some last minute groceries for our holiday.  Andrew convinced me that Ben would be fine walking and he didn’t need to be in a trolley.  Ben enjoyed holding the basket and walking with us.   He was greeted by smiles from other shoppers.   But……… the basket got heavy and Ben could no longer carry it.  It took a whole five seconds of not holding the basket and Ben was off.  Andrew chased Ben and I continued the shopping.  I moved through a few aisles when I came across Ben.  He was having a great time leaning in the milk fridge licking the tops of the milk bottles.  Why….. who knows!!   Andrew was nowhere to be seen.  I picked up Ben and quickly moved away from the milk hoping no one saw.  Finally Andrew comes down the aisle a little short of breath.  MMmmmmm I think I will be using the trolley for a little while longer or taking two baskets one for me and one for Ben!

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