Charlotte the Padawan Jedi

We popped in to see our wonderful old neighbors on the weekend. I really should stop referring to them as our ‘old neighbors’ and more as our ‘dear friends’. I can’t thank them enough for all the cups of tea, their wonderful children and amazing advise while I was struggling with everyday motherhood when we lived next door. I was always made welcome in their home and I am so grateful to them all.

As I said we popped over and were blown away by the excitement that Ben’s party invitation had caused. Charlotte and Finlay both put on their costumes to show us. Charlotte was Anakin Skywalker and Finlay was Han Solo. Charlotte had also memorised the invitation and recited it to us……. so fabulous. She also had begun to make her own book with the wording from the invitation. She had used her stencil book and Star Wars lego stickers. And we are not talking about a rush effort here. Charlotte had spent a considerable amount of time on the project. I was blown away……..

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We can’t wait to see you at the party Charlotte…..the Force is strong with this one!!

(For those who don’t know what a Padawan Jedi is – it is a Jedi in training.)

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A Big Day in the City xo

We had a day out on Saturday in the city.  Cousin Tom and Cousin Maggie joined us on a trip to the Queensland Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art.

I had to giggle to myself on our way there.  Tom and Ben wanted to listen to the Star Wars sound track and this was the result. (Excuse the filming – just close your eyes and listen…. just a bit cute).

We arrived at the Museum and vooom everyone seemed to head in a different direction – all excited to explore. We wandered through two floors.  Our favorite exhibition was the Animal Zoo.

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We then headed into GOMA – Gallery of Modern Art.  Ohhhh it was so lovely.  My sister-in-law has been telling me how wonderful it is.  And you know….. it was all that wonderful and more.  The exhibition was ‘Art in the 21st Century’….. fabulous.  We quickly lost Tom, Ben and Andrew at the Lego table – a sea of white lego.

There is so much to see and do –  a slide from the top floor to the bottom, quiet nooks to explore,  fabulous art and a wishing wall straight from heaven!! Maggie and I made our way to the wishing wall to see what it was all about.  Artist Rivane Neuenschwander has developed an amazing interactive art piece called ‘I Wish, You Wish’.  An ancient and spiritual tradition from the depths of Brazil has found its way into a modern art installation in the heart of Brisbane.  Neuenschwander’s installation bedazzles you with over 10,000 brightly coloured ribbons hanging from the walls. Each ribbon has one of approximately sixty wishes printed on it, such as “I wish for a lovely family,”  “I wish I had more time for myself,” and “I wish I had magical powers.”  You are invited to take a ribbon and then in return you are expected to write your own wish on a piece of paper and put it in the hole on the wall from which you took the ribbon. In following with the tradition, you are supposed to wear the ribbon until it wears away, and then your wish is said to come true. Neuenschwander then prints the written wishes onto new ribbons and so the project sustains itself.

Maggie  had no trouble coming up with a wish ‘We wish my Daddy all BETTER’.  We wrote it on a piece of paper and rolled it up ready to put in the wall.  We scanned the colourful wall for a wish to take.  Maggie chose ‘I with for a lovely family’.  I really had to hold back the tears.  What a beautiful gorgeous girl.  This amazing piece of art was just the wish that we needed.  Maggie and Tom’s Daddy- Ben’s Uncle Cam-Andrew’s brother is doing fabulously.  He has jumped one massive hurdle and still has a few more to go for a full recovery.  Every wish helps xo

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After our amazing wish, we headed back to the boys at the lego table.  What amazing creations!!  We will definitely be heading back to GOMA soon!!

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On the way back to the car Ben spotted an ice-cream van….. and did the bolt!  Andrew chased after him and returned with Ben and  ice-cream to share.  When  driving home Tom commented that the Brisbane skyline looked like the one made of Lego…… so I took a snap out of the windscreen – it was a beautiful day.

There really is something special about family.  Watching Tom, Maggie and Ben together is a joy xoxo.

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Linking up with Life Made Lovely Monday xo

Fiddle Fingers

Ben had become very quiet today…… something that ‘mostly’ lets me know he is up to no good.  I found him on the lounge with my iphone, in the App Store, looking at Star Wars apps.  What can I say…… ‘Thank goodness Mr Fiddles Fingers doesn’t know the password!!!’  Technology is just second nature to him.  I am sure Apple give their products to small children during testing!  He knows his way around my iphone, the ipod and is quickly working out the imac.  Time to tighten the rules when using technology I think!


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Give this to Uncle Cam…


Ben has been a little ‘Pork Chop’ of late.  Testing his boundaries and huffing and puffing about this and that.  His favorite sayings are ‘But I don’t want toooooooo’ and ‘Oh I am not happy’.   And this morning he was at his best……. sometimes I wonder if my beautiful boy has disappeared.

After a struggle to eat breakfast, get dressed and comb hair, he hugged his Dad and Nanny goodbye as they are heading into the hospital to visit Uncle Cam.  It is the big day today.  Everyone is a little  on edge  with worry.  Ben asks his Dad if he is going to work.  When he replies he is going to see Uncle Cam in the hospital Ben wants to know why.  We very simply explain he has a owie  that needs to be fixed by a special doctors.  Ben seems fine with this and goes about his business.  His Dad and Nanny yell out ‘see you’ as they walk down the hall and Ben jumps down from the table runs to his Dad wraps his arms around him and gives him an extra big hug.  He says ‘Dad can you give that to Uncle Cam’.  We all stop…. oh there is my beautiful boy….. our worry eases for a moment.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Uncle Cam and Aunty Teen today….. love you xoxo

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There were (nearly) TEN in the bed!!

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sleeping friends.jpgBen’s bed is getting a little crowded.  In his bed there is:

– 3 Kaloo Bunnies.  He has had these since he was a baby.  However it was never the intention he has all three at once.  The plan was for him to have one and the others were back ups if we couldn’t find one of the Bunnies.

– 1 floppy dog called Patch.  My cousin Leanne sent this to him when he was born.  His cousin Tom also had one just the same and whatever Tom does Ben does too!

– 1 Baby.  I am sure a hard plastic baby must get in the way!!

– 1 cat called Marmalade.  This was my grandmothers.

– 1 Humpty.  I am not even sure when Humpty made his way into the bed.

– 1 Easter Bunny named Max.  His Aunty Tam and Uncle Phil gave this to him on the weekend ….. and of course it made its way into the bed.

– 1 Beautiful boy…. Ben.

Every night there is a roll call to see everyone is in bed.  Some nights I go to tuck him in and he has his arms stretched out hugging all of his friends.  It is one of those parent moments that pulls on those heart strings….. sweet dreams xoxo

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Linking up with  – Life made lovely Monday xo