What I can say.

Just thought I would make a note of what Ben can say at nearly 16 months:

Bruuummm – for anything with wheels
Boat – in the bath when playing with his bath toys
Hooray – thanks to ‘If you’re happy and you know it’
Woof woof – for most animals
Mieow- for a cat
Baa – when corrected
Moo – when corrected
Ta Da – when he is playing peek-a-boo
Ta ta – when saying goodbye
Dad – when talking to Dad
Mum – when talking to Mum

My little red Wagon!

This morning Ben was playing after breakfast as normal when he began to become frustrated with his little wagon. He was trying to sit in it. This was a difficult task as it is small and Ben is not walking yet. So with a little help he hopped in. Well no guesses what he wanted then. I think he thinks it’s like Ollie’s big wagon. But none the less it still worked and Ben was able to have his wagon rides up and down the hall (all the while saying ‘bruuuum, bruuuum). We may have to invest in a bigger wagon. By the way Ben is in his PJ’s with a hoodie. It’s a pretty tragic outfit otherwise!

Happy Birthday Oliver

Yesterday Ben had a play date with Oliver (his honorary cousin) for his Birthday.  Oliver is turning two next week.  Oliver has a great outdoor courtyard just right for toddler play.  It’s equipped with everything boys need – a sandpit, bikes, an easel, an outhouse (with potty), trucks, cars, plants, dirt and grass.  Ben was into everything.  He ate dirt, chalk, his rusk, Oliver’s rusk and anything else he could get his hands on.  It was just wonderful for Ben.  He and Oliver played together as toddlers do.  Ben gave Oliver a little red wagon for his birthday.  Thanks for a great afternoon Ollie!!

Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof

As I have already said Ben likes to call all animals ‘Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof’.  Recently he was on the change table playing with a toy horse while Andrew was changing his nappy.  He was saying ‘woof, woof, woof, woof, woof’ while Andrew was explaining that it was a horse not a dog and horses go ‘neigh, neigh, neigh’. With this explanation Ben put his good arm in the air and said ‘Hooray!!’ to which Andrew replied ‘Yep I’ll take that, it’s pretty close’.  Good Job Ben!!!

Bright and Shiny

Ipswich Art Gallery has hosted the most amazing interactive exhibition for babies and tots – Bright and Shiny.  Bright and Shiny was a hands-on art-themed play space.   It was developed with  consultation with Early Childhood professionals.  It allowed tots to explore their creative potential and the sensory world around them, as they followed their interests and set their own pace.

Ben loved it!!!!!!!! (and so did his mum)  We attended three sessions.  His mates Oliver, Joseph and Jayden also came to play.  Each time we attended Ben used the space differently.  He also revisited his favorites – the sliver piece of cloth, the books, the fireman light and the tunnel.  It was interesting to watch Ben grow in confidence in the space and manipulate items differently each week.  Each session had a focused activity as well as free exploration.  The first week we attended the story ‘I love to Sing’ by Anna Walker   (one of Ben’s favorites) was featured.  It was projected onto the wall.  Ben immediately crawled over to the wall touching the pictures.  The sessions ran for forty-five minutes but felt like five minutes.  The experience was designed for children but also for parents to enjoy their children which certainly was the case. We look forward to the next tots exhibition.  Scroll on the images for an explanation.