10 Reasons to be Grateful….

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A new chapter of my life began this year with Ben starting Pre-Prep.  Ben is so enjoying Pre-Prep, he is settled and he is so happy.  So for the first time in three and a half years I have time on my hands.  And I really can’t believe I’m a little lost with what to do with it.  Do I go back to work, do I start my own little business, what to do…….?  Don’t get me wrong I am not complaining.  I feel so blessed to have choices.  So I have been thinking how lucky I am and made a little list of what I am grateful for. So here it is in no particular order (it’s a bit random really):

1.  I am grateful for my wonderful family – my wonderful husband who just wishes me to be happy and my beautiful son who makes everyday an adventure.   My Mum and Claire for putting up with all my whining!!  But not only my everyday family but all my family. We are all very different but all so blessed to have each other.

2.  I am grateful for Ben’s Bunny.  The smelly (its a job to get it in the washing machine)  little bunny that he loves to bits.  It calms him, comforts him and makes him happy.  Although he doesn’t need it as much as he once did.  I still love it!

3.  I am grateful to have choices.  How fantastic is it to be able to choose my next adventure.  Do I stay with the safe and return to the classroom or do I enter the unknown and sew my way into business.  Decisions……

4.   I am grateful for our beautiful dog Bonnie.  It is so lovely to come home to wonderful greeting every time.  She is my teddy bear.

5. I am grateful for my Camera – Nikon D80.  After years of taking photos, studying photography and working in the industry ….. I lost my passion for it.   My wonderful husband bought this camera  for me when our son was born.  I am sure he hoped I would fall in love with photography again.   It didn’t happen then… but it is happening now.  I forgot that amazing feeling – looking through the lens and capturing something special.

6.  I am grateful for this blog…. I love documenting the little things in our life that make it special to us.

7.  I am grateful for Honda, Penny-Penny, Woof and Buzz (our lovely ladies…hens).  For very little effort they supply us with wonderful eggs everyday.  They also all have their own personalities and it has been a joy to get to know them.

8.  I am grateful for old stuff – I love old wooden furniture…. farm style mostly.  Wooden crates, old chairs, old cupboards…….oh so lovely.  Old glass jars, kitchen bits and pieces, crocheted doilies, braided rugs….I could go on forever. I feel my heart skip a beat in antique shops – love, love, love it!

9.  I am grateful for Star Wars believe it or not.  I grew up with Star Wars.  My brother and I shared many moments together playing Star Wars.  I didn’t realize that ‘Star Wars’ would cross my path again but this time with my son.  I know that at times I curse all that is Star Wars and wish Ben would just have a conversation that didn’t involve Anakin, Obi Wan , Luke, Yoda…….  But it is a joy to watch Ben’s imagination grow and develop.  And my inner nerd secretly loves Star Wars too!

10.  I am grateful for flowers.  Aren’t they lovely.  Flowers can make me smile anytime anyplace.  I love them – any kind – love them!!  They make a house a home.

Oh that is TEN already….. just have to add I am grateful for Ben’s teachers, my vegetable patch, Cam being out of hospital and of course my blessed life and all the wonderful people that are part of that.  Ohhhh are you feeling the love xoxo

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Linking up with Paisley Jade – Things I am Loving xo and Life Made Lovely – Life Made Lovely Monday

My Kind of Eye Candy….Mmmmm!

I love love love love online shopping!!  I am attempting to limit my online shopping…..oh it is sooo hard.  But here are some online discoveries I am loving. I thought if I add them to my blog – it might feel like retail therapy.  I’m just looking  not buying (well mostly xoxo)!


I just love these Mary-Jane slippers, especially since the weather is just cooling off a little.  They are available here.


This just tickled my fancy….. me and chickens….. who would have thought.  But I love them and can just picture this in my home.  It is available here.


I am looking for some invitations for Ben’s birthday party (about four weeks away).  I thought these looked cute.  They are here.

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Aren’t these seriously super cute.  Don’t ask me what I would do with them…. but I love them.  Ben would love them, they are about lego man size!  You can get them here.


I just love these peg clips.  I have the perfect spot for them over the computer….. but I am just looking.  They are from here.

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I am really loving these stamps and think maybe they would fit in with my new business labeling …. somehow?  They are also from here.




It is not secret that I love bunting….. everyone should.  It just makes me smile.  I am going to make some cake bunting for Ben’s birthday cake (Star Wars colours unfortunately!!).  These are available here, here and here.


Finally, I couldn’t resist this shirt for Ben.  I did actually purchase it.  It’s from my favorite ever t shirt designer ….Well Spotted and is available here.

This has felt a little like shopping…… well kind of.  Enjoy my kind of Candy!

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I am going to link up with Paisley Jade today (one of my favorite blogs!!)  –  Things I am loving.

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Patience {#2}

Patience –noun 1. the quality of being patient,  as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper and irritation

Well yes, I am working on being more patient.  Ben is testing Andrew and myself as all children test their parents.   He has recently begun a screaming whinge….. oh goodness it is painfully annoying!!  I count to ten, take some deep breaths and remind myself I love being a Mum before  dealing with the situation at hand!!  It is so lucky that I love him so much xoxo

A little treasure came in the mail today from Retro Vertigo….. some vintage children’s blocks that read PATIENCE.  I love them.  I have the perfect place for them too.


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Oh the Joy!!!

I finally got to the new ‘Ipswich Antique Center‘ this morning.  Oh the JOY!!!  Room after room filled with treasures – from butter churns, wooden fireman ladders, cuckoo clocks to old milk cans and beautiful furniture.  I only made one purchase this morning as I am on a money saving mission……. but next time I don’t know if I can be that strong!!


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My First ‘Mummy’ Homework!!!

I can’t believe how excited I am….. I got my first ‘Mummy’ homework from Ben’s Pre-Prep!!!  It was a two page spread about ‘Our Family’ for Ben to share with his classmates and then go in his folio.   Ohhhh it was so much fun!!!!  {Don’t worry I know how ridiculous I sound – I just can’t help it!!}.     I adapted the ‘About Us’ that we use for the blog and added it to the first page and the second page is family photos – Ben’s favorites.  I included Ben, Andrew, myself, all the cousins, both sets of grandparents, pets and scarecrow.  Sorry Aunty’s and Uncle’s I didn’t have photos of you all….. beware at our next  get  together!!!  The  homework  also  said  that  all  family  special       events/holidays/memories can be added during the year.  So we can add a page about our new cousin when she arrives….YAY and other family from Melbourne or overseas we might see!  Oh and yes I just had to add bunting…. as I can’t get enough of it lately and it always makes me smile!

So here it is……. I think it captures our family.



My publishing skills are a little rusty….. I haven’t done anything really since Ben was born.  I used Publisher in the Virtual Box…… which is just crazy as I am sure Mac has something fabulous I could have used.  I also used ‘Picnik‘ a cute online photo editing program to put the curves on the photos {Shauna from ‘The Reed Life‘ suggested it… THANKS}.  But there has to be an easier way to do that as well.  I also need to acquire a few more skills…. like being able to select just the bunting and not the background.  I am interested in all suggestions for editing programs for the Mac….please.

With my first ‘Mummy’ homework finished.  I will share with you another of my  Pre-Prep Parent delights……I LOVE RECEIVING SCHOOL NEWLETTERS…….I really do!!!!

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I am going to link up with ‘Life Made Lovely Monday’…. ENJOY!!
