I love love love love online shopping!! I am attempting to limit my online shopping…..oh it is sooo hard. But here are some online discoveries I am loving. I thought if I add them to my blog – it might feel like retail therapy. I’m just looking not buying (well mostly xoxo)!

I just love these Mary-Jane slippers, especially since the weather is just cooling off a little. They are available here.

This just tickled my fancy….. me and chickens….. who would have thought. But I love them and can just picture this in my home. It is available here.

I am looking for some invitations for Ben’s birthday party (about four weeks away). I thought these looked cute. They are here.

Aren’t these seriously super cute. Don’t ask me what I would do with them…. but I love them. Ben would love them, they are about lego man size! You can get them here.

I just love these peg clips. I have the perfect spot for them over the computer….. but I am just looking. They are from here.

I am really loving these stamps and think maybe they would fit in with my new business labeling …. somehow? They are also from here.

It is not secret that I love bunting….. everyone should. It just makes me smile. I am going to make some cake bunting for Ben’s birthday cake (Star Wars colours unfortunately!!). These are available here, here and here.

Finally, I couldn’t resist this shirt for Ben. I did actually purchase it. It’s from my favorite ever t shirt designer ….Well Spotted and is available here.
This has felt a little like shopping…… well kind of. Enjoy my kind of Candy!

I am going to link up with Paisley Jade today (one of my favorite blogs!!) – Things I am loving.