The Big Number 2!

Happy Second Birthday Benjamin!!!

It  feels like yesterday I held Ben for the first time.  Looking back the time has passed with a  blink of eye.  I get emotional just thinking about how much has happened in just two short years.  It really has been a joy and a privilege to watch Ben grow …… well except for the more recent tantrums!

Ben had a fantastic day and a wonderful party.  Ben’s birthday began with a pile of presents to open.  He loved it.  Here he is playing his ukulele, playing with his puzzle and sipping a cup of tea.


Ben birthday was on Thursday and his party on Saturday but the celebrations continued for some time.  Ben’s party was at home in the yard.  He had many friends and family attend. His little friends seemed to  have a ball (well….. so did his Mum and Dad!!!). There was games, great friends and cake!

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IMG_5504.JPGBen was so lucky to receive so many lovely gifts.  But he couldn’t hide what his favorite was.  Our fabulous neighbors (who know Ben very well) gave him a bag of hats – fireman hat, viking hat, pirate hat  ect.  He refused to take his policeman hat off  all day.  He even wore it in the bath!!!  Thank you everyone for a lovely day.

The Wiggles Go Bananas

IMG_5518.JPGIt had been a long wait to see the Wiggles.  I purchased the tickets just after Christmas for the ‘Wiggles Go Bananas’ concert in May.  We were very excited to attend (well…. maybe not Andrew who went under protest!).  I had pumped Ben up ready but I am not sure he had a clue what was going on.  When the show started he clung to Andrew …… slightly terrified.  But  eventually warmed up when Dorothy, Wags, Henry and Captain Feathersword came on stage.

I have to say I was a little disappointed with the concert.   There was alot of talking, a lot of acrobatic ……. rubbish, the stage seemed crowded  and the production wasn’t polished.    I had heard great reports regarding previous concerts but  this one just didn’t hold the kids attention.  It was disappointing……………. but we still love Murray (cose he plays the guitar!).



IMG_5444.JPGBen has recently discovered pens – felt pens, pencils, gel pens, lead pencils, coloured pencils, crayons…… anything that will make a mark.  He loves to sit and draw.  Sometimes not always on paper – himself or the lounge!   He has begun to tell me who he is drawing.  It’s mostly Daddy.  His favorite pens are gel pens, felt pens and the soap crayon in the bath.   I am quiet impressed with his pencil grip….. it’s nearly correct.  I didn’t show him… really I didn’t!

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Railway Workshop, Steam Train and My Friend Joseph!

Our journey with trains began with my hunt for children’s activities in Ipswich.  You would be hard pressed to find a better facility for children than the Ipswich Railway Workshops.  Ben loves it.  We have been visiting nearly every week.  There is always lots to do.  More recently we have gone with Joseph and Oliver (Ben’s friends) and their mums Bree and Emily.  The boys are always busy.


We thought we would take the boys interest one step further and take them on a train trip.  We decided on Ipswich to Indooropilly Shopping Centre.  The train trip was a success.  Ben eventually sat still and was amazed watching out the window.


More recently we went on a steam train outing from the Railway Workshops.  The journey was about one and a half hours from the workshops at North Ipswich to Ebenezer via Walloon and back again.   Grandma and Poppy came along for the ride and to help chase Ben up and down the train.  The smell, the soot and changing a nappy on a crowded 100 year old train…..  it was great but I’m not rushing back!



Kids Parties = FABULOUS!

06022009_004.jpgI love kids parties.  I think it is the Early Childhood Teacher in me.  Ben and I have been having a ball going to his friends parties.  We are so into it… the presents, the games, playing, the cake…….. so much fun.  Here are some pictures of his playgroup friend Jake’s party (it was a pool party, that would be why Joseph and Ben are rudies. They ran off before we could get clothes back on them) and his gym friend Siena’s party. 

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