A Slice of RAINBOW xo

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I just love this cake!!  The first time I saw it was here, then here and then here.  I just knew I had to make this rainbow for Ben and his 4th birthday was the perfect time.  It was very easy and the instructions are here – thanks so much!  Also thanks to Aunty Andrea for her help to put it together.  It was so exciting to cut into it….. the oooohhh’s and aahhhhh’s gave me goose-bumps!!

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I’m linking up with Heather – Life Made Lovely Monday

Birthday Excitement!


Oh how I love birthdays!!!  The excitement in our house is starting to build for Ben’s big 4th birthday  Yesterday I put a birthday message on the community blackboard .  I got in early this year…. it is a busy time of year for birthdays in our neighborhood and every year we miss out.  Today is birthday cupcakes at Pre-Prep.  Oh yummy….. lots of cupcake goodness!!!  Party on Saturday…… bring it on!!! (oh I  so hope it all goes smoothly)



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My Name is Luke….


Apparently Ben has changed his name!!

We popped into  visit Uncle Cam in his city retreat while he recuperates from surgery.  Uncle Cam was talking to someone who Ben did not know when Ben confidently introduces himself…. except  he says ‘Hello my name is Luke’.  To which Uncle Cam smiles and says ‘Are you sure your name is not Ben?’ .  Ben just shrugged and smiled.  I can just picture it as I am sure a pretend blaster gun was pulled from his pocket at the same time duzs..duzs.duzs…..duzs. For those who are saying ‘Who is Luke?’.  It is of course the one and only LUKE SKYWALKER the ultimate Star Wars Jedi Knight!!!

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Charlotte the Padawan Jedi

We popped in to see our wonderful old neighbors on the weekend. I really should stop referring to them as our ‘old neighbors’ and more as our ‘dear friends’. I can’t thank them enough for all the cups of tea, their wonderful children and amazing advise while I was struggling with everyday motherhood when we lived next door. I was always made welcome in their home and I am so grateful to them all.

As I said we popped over and were blown away by the excitement that Ben’s party invitation had caused. Charlotte and Finlay both put on their costumes to show us. Charlotte was Anakin Skywalker and Finlay was Han Solo. Charlotte had also memorised the invitation and recited it to us……. so fabulous. She also had begun to make her own book with the wording from the invitation. She had used her stencil book and Star Wars lego stickers. And we are not talking about a rush effort here. Charlotte had spent a considerable amount of time on the project. I was blown away……..

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We can’t wait to see you at the party Charlotte…..the Force is strong with this one!!

(For those who don’t know what a Padawan Jedi is – it is a Jedi in training.)

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