Christmas Day 2008

Well another Christmas is past. We had a great day in Chinchilla, and of course Santa was ever generous to all.

We started off the day with presents at about 7.30 with Uncle Cam, Aunty Tina, Cousins Tom & Maggie, Uncle Al, Aunty Claire Claire & Cousin Baby Hugo, Nanny Jude and Grandad George.

Well another Christmas is past. We had a great day in Chinchilla, and of course Santa was ever generous to all.

We started off the day with presents at about 7.30 with Uncle Al, Aunty Claire Claire (thats what Ben says) & Cousin Baby Hugo, Uncle Cam, Aunty Tina, Cousins Tom & Maggie, Nanny Jude and Grandad George.

Here is a pic of Benjamin sporting his fancy Christmas clothes from Grandma Colls and Aunty Lorraine (note the mini Santa in his back pocket, very cute). Ben is checking out his new trumpet, which he carried around for most of the day.

The weather man predicted 38 degrees, and I don’t think he was far wrong. Bloody hot !

The kids made good use of Grandad’s makeshift paddling pool to cool down. Mark two was made with the box trailer, some plastic and plenty of duct tape. Worked a treat, have a look at the photos.

Later on the Slip n Slide got a go.  Tom tried it out first (to make sure it was safe and OK for Ben). We really didn’t expect Ben to like it, but he really loved it.  He was racing back each time for the next shove down the slide.

We finished the morning with a late breakfast. Lots of pancakes, bacon, eggs and english muffins.

Then it was time for lunch. Mum had made a fabulous lunch with baked ham (with her famous glaze) and an array of salads and desserts.  In the afternoon Oliver, Emily, Wil and Anita popped in to say hi.  The day was filled with food, family, friends and fun. All in all, it was great. Can’t wait till next year.

Christmas Eve in Chinchilla

We have made the journey to Chinchilla this year for a ‘Lattimore’ Christmas. It has been so hot Ben has been struggling with the heat. Grandad made ‘swimming pool mark one’ (a plastic clam shell filled with water) for Ben to play in and it was such a hit. We didn’t bring Ben’s togs so he went in the nud!!

While in the pool Ben was distracted by the little bicycle. He would not let us put a nappy on him or any clothes……. he was having a ball!!

From Lattimore Family 2008

Jet Skiing with Uncle Phil

See that small dot..... thats me! On Sunday Andrew, Ben, Phil and myself spent the day at Somerset Dam.  Uncle Phil and Andrew took Ben had his first ride on a jetski.  He loved sitting on the Jetski and playing with the handle bars.  He wasn’t overly keen on the life jacket….. probably because it was way to big.  He will have to grow into it.  It was great to spend a day outside (and not swelter in the heat) and to catch up with Phil.  Check out Ben on the jetski!

Uncle Phil, Ben and Andrew

Getting ready to go!

Lunch with Baby Hugo!

Lunch with Hugo Recently Al, Claire and Hugo joined us for lunch at Hoggies.  It was lovely to see them as they have been a little busy with their little man. Catching up has not been as easy at it used to be.  Hugo and Ben were just delightful at lunch.  Hugo had a snooze and a cuddle, while  Ben played and ate.  I can confidently say that eating out with Ben is now more pleasurable…………. especially since the discovery of ‘the toy bag’ and  ‘ice cream’.  Our lovely neighbor Di (an experienced mumof three)  had told me it is a good idea to take a small bag of toys when dinning out.  It has been a huge success and used on a number of occasions.  And as for ICE CREAM ………. I am sure it  was invented so parents could eat their dinner!!!!!

Ben's first ice cream mmmmmmmm yummy!!


Running!Benjamin’s delayed walking has in no way impacted on his ability to RUN!  It seems that running is now Ben’s favourite movement.  He especially likes to run away when he steals decorations off the Christmas Tree.  He also likes to run with Bonnie (our dog).  Andrew lets Benjamin out of the pram when we went to  the toy shop.  Ben found a little push mower and he was off.  He was doing laps of the toy shop with Andrew and I trying to catch him.  He was having a ball!! Everyone told us to enjoy the time when he wasn’t that mobile.  Now we spend our days running after him and don’t we love it!