Ben has always loved putting things on his head (refer to previous blog entries – Hats…… bowls……everything on the head! and The Big Number 2!). But more recently he has got into dressing up. I have only managed it get a couple of snaps but you will get the picture. Bonnie is included as well!
Category: Benjamin
Becoming a Big Boy – my new bed!
Ben has made the transition out of his cot and into a bed. We decided on a toddler bed for Ben (we got caught up on how cute they are …….. a single bed would have been fine). We thought we would get Ben involved in taking his cot down and putting up his bed which of course he loved. I am sure Andrew could have completed the task in half the time if Ben hadn’t kept stealing the tools.
Being a little bit of a worrier (ha ha hhhhhaaa), I was concerned about how Ben would go. You hear the horror stories of children jumping out of bed for hours! Well Ben loved it. He couldn’t go to sleep on it fast enough. For at least a week anyone who came to the house got pulled into the room by Ben to see the bed. He loved it!!!
I was so impressed with how easy it was for Ben to make the transition. I was so impressed that we had no jumping out of bed…….. well not at first. Once again I should have known not to be over confident. It took about a month but the games began. The games had to begin on the night Andrew’s parent came to stay. I was mortified. He jumped up for two hours. We tried everything! But eventually Ben was exhausted and fell asleep. It was ugly and ended in tears…. my tears. Thank goodness this game was short lived and passed quickly. Toddlers….. you have to love the unexpected!
My Little Man!
Every night as I tuck Ben into bed, I give him a kiss on his forehead and tell him I love him. Tonight was very special. As I tucked Ben into bed, he looked me straight in the eyes and said “Muuum… I love you”. My eyes filled with tears as I kissed him goodnight. It is an absolute joy to be Ben’s Mum!!
Oh no….. Tiny!!!
I have always had concerns about using a Dummy – not really sure why (refer to Dummy or not to dummy?). But yesterday at Family Day Care Ben went to sleep without his dummy (YAY to Trudy his Family Day Care Mum). So I thought I would use the opportunity to get rid of the dummy. At Ben’s bedtime I showed him a broken dummy that he had chewed. His comment was “Oh no…….. Tiny!!!”. He did attempt to put it in his mouth and then proceeded to have a tiny grizzle. To my astonishment Ben went to sleep without any problems. He did stir a couple of times in the night looking for his dummy and he did wake earlier than normal at 6.30am. But….. YAY to Ben for being such a big boy about it!!! Good job!!!
Well…… a couple of days later it all turned ugly. I should never be over confident. Ben went down for his afternoon sleep a little cranky. He started to grizzle and before I knew it he was screaming crying like I had never heard. He was jumping out of bed screaming. I would put him back to bed and he would scream again. I rang Andrew and put the phone in Bens room to share the screaming. We both agreed that the dummy was coming out of retirement. Andrew says he could still hear the screaming after I hung up. Ben sucked on the dummy about four times and was fast asleep. He will give it up when he is ready. Better luck next time!!!
Like Father Like Son!
Desperate Times!!!
Before I was a parent I swore I would never dress food up for a child to eat it. Well…….. I have learnt that one should never say never especially when children are involved. Ben is a fussy eater and if dressing his food up works then bring it on. Desperate Times = Desperate Measures!!! Here is my vegemite train masterpiece with cheese tracks. Bon Appetite!