Ben received a story in the mail this week from his cousin Tom. It is spectacular!! We all really loved it…..especially Uncle Andrew. Thanks Tom you are a STAR!!!
Category: Benjamin
I Need Some Medicine
Ben was playing happily on the lounge this morning with his click clack cars. All of a sudden he started crying, putting his fingers in his mouth and screaming I need some medicine. He was clearly upset about something and I think he may have bitten his tongue but he was in no state to answer my questions. His crying seemed to be getting worse so I quietly suggested to Andrew to get the medicine cup and fill it with water. I consoled Ben while Andrew went to get the magic water medicine. Ben happily drank the contents of the medicine cup, immediately stopped crying, informed me that he was now fine and went back to playing with his cars. Hilarious!!!
Time to Celebrate!
Family and friends are like quilts, pieced with memories, bound with love. . .
Ben turned three on the 16 April. It was a time to celebrate with family and friends. Ben is blessed to have so many people around him that love and care for him. His third birthday was a celebration that began on Friday and lasted until Sunday night. It was wonderful to have a house full of family and friends and messages from those who could not attend making special memories for our special little man xoxo.
The morning of Ben’s third birthday didn’t begin as early as we had imagined. Ben slept in and we had to wake him!!! He was overjoyed to see a bunch of wrapped presents in the lounge room. He unwrapped them starting with the smallest ones! He was delighted with his gifts – Rocky the crane (from Thomas), Hot wheels Cars, Hot wheels Racetrack, Thomas the Tank Engine wooden track and engines, a book, and the favorite and most cherished was a Push Mower with a pull cord. When we bought the mower it was packaged in its box…… OMG it is the loudest mower ever!!!
Ben spent the day at the Railway Workshops with Mum, Grandma, Bree, Joseph and Tom. It is his favorite place to visit. The Vegemite sandwiches and chips were a hit at lunch! Friday evening saw family and friends begin to arrive in preparation for the party on Saturday. It was fantastic to have so many extra hands to get everything organised and to assist in the last minute challenges. Thanks to all who helped with the balloons and reviving the lamingtons!!
Ben was so excited Saturday morning. His excitement when his friends arrived was so lovely. The children made box cars, played with bikes, scooters, pushcars, gyrocar, kite, trains, matchbox cars, dolls and balloons. They ate lollies, donuts, lamingtons, cake and sausages. They had a fantastic time with the birthday cake. Finlay added some extra decorations which nearly gave me a heart attack. After we had sung happy birthday and blew out the candles I stepped inside to get a knife and in went all the little fingers. The kids loved it!! Andrew and I enjoyed watching the children and loved catching up with family and friends old and new. Ben was very lucky to receive some great gifts. His grandparents were especially generous with Nanny and Grandad George giving him a train table, track and trains and Grandma and Grandad giving him a tool bench with all the tools and some great 3D Melissa and Doug car puzzles. Thank you to everyone who made this time so special. We love, love, love Birthdays in our house!! xoxo
Who’s Washing What?
Does This Colour Suit My Outfit?
Batteries, Remotes and Things that Fly!!
Ben is still discovering little nooks in the house. He particularly loves the spare room cupboards. He loved to hide in them initially……. but now he is enjoying finding hidden treasures. He keeps appearing from the cupboards with remote controls, handfuls of batteries and things that fly. Andrew has quite a selection of remote control planes and helicopters and Ben seems to have made his way through all of them. Andrew has had an interesting time teaching Ben how to fly some of them. Ben has some difficulty following all directions which has been amusing. But now Ben seems to have it sorted and just can’t get enough. I am constantly amazed how much Andrew and Ben have in common…. boys and their toys!