Come Take a Trip!

Ben and I started the day beautifully.   Here we are playing with his kindy-made binoculars.


The late afternoon didn’t go so well.  We got stuck in this!!!


A drive that should have taken 45 minutes took around 1 hour and 30 minutes.  I can not recall a more uncomfortable drive home.  I went through my entire spectrum of emotions trying to console Ben in the back of the car.  He was beside himself.


This photo just breaks my heart xo  I thought taking a photo might make him smile…what was I thinking!!

I finally calmed Ben…. by rubbing his foot (that was all I could reach) while still driving the car.  Can you picture it?

I know that this is not the most uplifting or cheerful post.    I am just keeping it real.  Putting it out there that parenting for me is not  always ‘all roses’.  I am pretty sure it is this way for most Mums.  But I don’t know a Mum who would change any of it.  Being a Mum is precious, even after a long screaming drive home.  Nothing really prepared me for being a mother which I was reminded of in the car today…. it made me think of this –

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

Something pretty….. wonderful xo

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Linking to – Embrace the Camera

Cowboy… good or bad?

I have always had a no toy gun policy!  Well……. kids don’t need toys to make a gun. Their finger become a gun, they pick up  a stick or pen or anything and it becomes a gun.   I have toyed with the idea of allowing Ben to have a toy gun for months.  He has asked for a ‘star wars blaster’ or a ‘cowboy blaster’ a number of times.    I had one, my brother had one and it didn’t seem to harm us.  I have fond memories playing cowboys with my brother in our backyard.  We had a metal cowboy pistol in a leather holster.

I have watched Ben with his toys.  He has favorites for a period of time and then he moves on to new favorites.  So I  came to the conclusion today that he can have a toy gun.  My thinking is that it will be a favorite for a time and then be replaced by something else.    Ben got his cowboy pack today.  We were in the $2.00 shop and there it was in front of him – A cowboy gun, spurs, holster, belt and badge – all for the fabulous price of $2.00.  He LOVES it. Here he is at Gamma’s house modelling his new look!

Picnik collage cowboy

Fingers crossed my theory is correct…. if all else fails it cost $2.00 it has to break soon!!

Did you have a toy gun?

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Gamma’s Day at KINDY!

Picnik collage Gamma\'s Day

Ben took his Gamma (Grandma) to Kindy today for Under 8’s Day.  Gamma got to meet Ben’s lovely teachers and play with Ben and his friends.  I am not sure Gamma is into climbing on the fort though!!  The teachers had organised lots of lovely activities – kite making, clay modeling, gluing, bubble blowing, spray bottle painting, threading, painting……. Ben made a kite, did some painting but enjoyed playing of the fort the most (his favorite thing in the world!).  All the children and Grandparents shared in a wonderful morning of play and a lovely morning tea.  Our sensitive little petal got upset as the morning came to an end and the children became a little rowdy.  He is now half asleep on the lounge all snug under a blanket.  Thanks to Ben’s teachers and Gamma for a lovely morning xo

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Goodness Me!!!


What has happened to our four year old?  WOW our beautiful boy has been pushing the boundaries.

Yesterday when he was requested to have a bath he informed me ‘I was a pain in the butt!!’

Today when packing up his toys he threw a toy in the basket but it fell out.  His response was ‘Holly Crap!!’

Then this afternoon when I was getting the cooking utensils out to make lemon cake for afternoon tea he told me to ‘Chop Chop, Quick Sticks, Hurry Up!!’

Lets hope this little phase passes quickly! Lucky his cute xomy name.jpg