Come Take a Trip!

Ben and I started the day beautifully.   Here we are playing with his kindy-made binoculars.


The late afternoon didn’t go so well.  We got stuck in this!!!


A drive that should have taken 45 minutes took around 1 hour and 30 minutes.  I can not recall a more uncomfortable drive home.  I went through my entire spectrum of emotions trying to console Ben in the back of the car.  He was beside himself.


This photo just breaks my heart xo  I thought taking a photo might make him smile…what was I thinking!!

I finally calmed Ben…. by rubbing his foot (that was all I could reach) while still driving the car.  Can you picture it?

I know that this is not the most uplifting or cheerful post.    I am just keeping it real.  Putting it out there that parenting for me is not  always ‘all roses’.  I am pretty sure it is this way for most Mums.  But I don’t know a Mum who would change any of it.  Being a Mum is precious, even after a long screaming drive home.  Nothing really prepared me for being a mother which I was reminded of in the car today…. it made me think of this –

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

Something pretty….. wonderful xo

my name.jpg

Linking to – Embrace the Camera

One thought on “Come Take a Trip!”

  1. I hear you B. One minute they are screaming and inconsolable and the next they are so cute you just want to scoop them up for cuddles. xoxo

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