Billycarts & Ballerinas


So tell me, what was your favorite childhood toy, and do you still have it?  Many of my favorite childhood memories are of my brother and I playing with our favorite toys.  Simple classic toys…. not like the ones that are available in most toy shops today.   I loved loved loved… my china tea set.  It was tan and brown and to me it was the most precious of all my belongings.

I have never lost my love of toys or maybe some would say I have never really grown up.  But since having my son Ben I now have an excuse to purchase them.   I have tried to purchase toys that are not only great fun but that are good quality and educational.  Toys like that aren’t so easy to come by in the shops.  I quickly developed an addiction to online shopping!!!  But online shopping  isn’t the same, you can’t hold it, smell it, squeeze it……. you get the picture.

So when Tam and Phil told us they  purchased  a  ……..TOY SHOP I could hardly contain my excitement!!  Their toy shop Billycarts and Ballerinas is  no run-of-the-mill toy shop but a divine Toy Shop  full to the brim with unique and  precious quality toys and books.  Tam’s dedication for choosing unique toys is extraordinary.  They are toys that will be played with for more than an afternoon…. toys that memories are made of…. toys that will last a lifetime.   Billycarts and Ballerinas  can be found nestled away in the cozy streets of Toowoomba – 23 Bridge Street.  It is absolutely worth the drive to pop in and have a browse.  I would guarantee that you can not walk away empty handed.

A trip to Toowoomba makes for a fabulous day out with little ones- a bit of shopping at Billycarts and Ballerinas, a play in Queens Park and lunch at The Chocolate Cottage…….. just delicious!!!  We love Billycarts and Ballerinas – THANKS Aunty Tam xo

Jet Skiing with Uncle Phil… again

We recently took a quick trip to Somerset Dam to see Uncle Phil.  Andrew and Uncle Phil took Ben for a ride on the jetski.  He was a little timid at first but soon warmed up to the idea.  It was late 2008 when he had his last ride on it.  He still has not grown into the life jacket…. maybe next time.   This is a gorgeous picture of the three boys.

Phil, Andrew and Ben on Tam and Phil\'s Jetski at Somerset Dam

Jet Skiing with Uncle Phil

See that small dot..... thats me! On Sunday Andrew, Ben, Phil and myself spent the day at Somerset Dam.  Uncle Phil and Andrew took Ben had his first ride on a jetski.  He loved sitting on the Jetski and playing with the handle bars.  He wasn’t overly keen on the life jacket….. probably because it was way to big.  He will have to grow into it.  It was great to spend a day outside (and not swelter in the heat) and to catch up with Phil.  Check out Ben on the jetski!

Uncle Phil, Ben and Andrew

Getting ready to go!