Uncle Al and Baby Hugo

Al and Hugo visited recently whilst Claire was off doing very important bridesmaid stuff. Little Hugo just chilled the whole time, he is a very relaxed baby (at least when we see him anyway). Benjamin was intrigued and progressively they became more interactive. I think it was great for them both (being cousins and all). Later on we gave Hugo the little red guitar. He held it quite naturally. Perhaps he will be a little rock star in the future.

Al and Hugo chillin'.

Al and Hugo visited recently whilst Claire was off doing very important bridesmaid stuff.

Little Hugo just chilled the whole time, he is a very relaxed baby (at least when we see him anyway).

Benjamin was intrigued and progressively they became more

Hugo, Guitar Hero.  He knew instinctively how to hold it.

interactive.  I think it was great for them both (being cousins and all).

Later on we gave Hugo the little red guitar.  He held it quite naturally.

Perhaps he will be a little rock star in the future.

One thought on “Uncle Al and Baby Hugo”

  1. Your imagination leaves no bounds but my! how he does grow. Great to see his progress.

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