Farewell Family Daycare….

to be sorted 077.JPGIt is with a heavy heart that we no longer visit the world’s best Family Daycare Mum every Tuesday.  Trudy has been Ben’s Family Daycare Mum for over a year and she has been fantastic not only for Ben but for me as well.  I first sent Ben to Family Daycare because we didn’t have any family close and he needed that little something that I couldn’t give him.  We struck gold when we met Trudy.  She was referred to me by a mutual friend.  She took us into her home like we were family.  She showed Ben a level of care that was above and beyond what I could have dreamed of.  Ben was no walk in the park for Trudy.  He cried every time I dropped him off for what seemed forever.  But Trudy never scowled she would just scoop him up and shared her heart.  At Trudy’s Ben painted, played, glued, sang, read, ran, climbed, jumped and laughed.   Ben fell in love with Trudy and her two beautiful girls Eva and Mae and his family daycare sister Ella.  Trudy now has a wonderful new addition to her family – baby Oliver.  Her hands are a little fuller these days hence our departure.  Thanks Trudy you made such a difference in Ben’s life xoxo

It’s a Miracle!

04032009_003.jpgBen goes to Family Day Care for one day a week.  He has a fabulous Family Day Care Mum that looks after him as if he was her own – Trudy.  To my amazement he is coming home and doing the most wonderful things.   Trudy has all the little ones sit at the table for lunch.  I thought to myself ‘goodluck with that’.  But to my amazement not only does he do it for Trudy he will now sit at the table for snacks and lunch.  I do have to keep a close eye on him as he loves to smear vegemite hands on the lounge.  But I never thought he would sit at the table.  I imagined he would still  be in the highchair when he was sixteen!!  Thanks Trudy… its a miracle!!