

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.

Nothing really prepares you for having children.  Nobody gives you a handbook with fool proof steps for parenting….. if only!!

Today was a tricky day.  Ben was tired.  I am not 100% well and my patience was put to the test.  I could have done better.  I am not coping well with the whinging, the nagging and the constant boundary testing.  My beautiful boy certainly knows how to push my buttons.   But I am working on how to be more patient.

I am not going to say that it is my new years resolution to be more patient…… because that would mean I was destine to fail.  I don’t think I have ever kept a new years resolution.  I think I will call it my word for the year ‘Patience’.  How does one become more patient….. I am not really sure.  I might begin with taking a breath, smiling and counting all my wonderful blessings.

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Eating Out

Mmmmm my first curly fryTonight we thought it was about time that we started to go out for dinner. So of course it was off to Hoggies! Ben had his first curly fries (as well as his usual veges etc). In hind sight maybe tonight wasn’t that great of a choice as Ben had no afternoon sleep. He didn’t scream the place down or anything but he was demanding and a little grumpy. Although he did flirt with the waitresses. We both remembered eating out used to be much easier. We live in hope that one day it will be again!!!! Ben just needs lots of practise.