Herb Garden

I’ve run out of room in the vegetable garden.  It is full…… over full really.  We will get to building another garden bed but I just could wait for that to happen before I got some herbs planted.  I just cringe every time I buy a bunch of herbs at the supermarket.  Not only do I think they are ridiculously expensive but they are never as fresh as I would hope.

Ben and I were watching Play School on ABC 4 Kids a couple of weeks ago and I saw the solution.  The wonderful Alex helped me out (have a bit of a crush….. hilarious!!).  I also thought it would be a bit of fun to get Ben involved as well.   As it happened it ended up to be a whole family affair with Andrew and Ben helping me out.

So we began to make our Colander Face Pot Plants (click on link for instructions or it is pretty easy to follow from our pictures.

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Ben’s is a scarey face in case you didn’t know that!

I had grown basil and thyme from heirloom seeds.  We purchased rosemary and mint to plant as well.  I realise that they will soon out grow their colander pots but by then I will have another garden (please xo).

Picnik collage


We added them to the corners of our garden.  Ben had the job of watering them.  It started like this……


But ended like this…….

Picnik collage

Some serious FUN!

my name.jpg

Linking with Paisley Jade – Things I am Loving  and

It's Playtime at hands on : as we grow