Cool Tricks….Cool Tricks

IMG_5577.JPGWe can blame this one on YO GABBA GABBA (a particularly strange children’s television program on ABC Kids).  Ben had been eating his breakfast and began to play with his spoon – breathing on it and placing it on his nose.  I asked him what he was trying to do and his response was ‘Cool tricks, cool tricks….’  He had just watched someone do the same trick on Yo Gabba Gabba.  He thought he was so clever, especially when I tried and I couldn’t do it!!

Solo Journey

IMG_1072.JPGWhile on holiday Ben had a little adventure that he seemed to enjoy but sent his mother and father into a slight state of panic.  I was on the mobile and Ben and Andrew were choosing a bicycle to go for a morning ride.  The bikes were parked next to the resort lift.  Ben being fascinated with all things that have buttons decided to press the lift button, jump in the lift and shut the door.  Andrew began laughing which caught my attention and I turned and scanned for Ben.  I didn’t need any explanation!  I ran down and Andrew ran up. I found our little man in the basement pressing the lift buttons calling for his MMUUUUMMM!  I scooped him up and gave him a hug.  LITTLE RASCAL!!

Reading to Humpty xo

142__1_18_lg.jpgIt is no secret that I love children’s books. Anyone that has seen our book cases knows that we have our own library. While Ben has always loved story time more recently he has taken to reading the books himself and to others. Andrew informed me that he was reading his favourite book Busy Garage by Rebecca Finn to his friend Humpty Dumpty this morning. Very Cute!! Here are a few of his favourites.

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Special Memories

24112009_002.jpgWe are back again at Peppers Salt Village for a week of sunshine. Once again the weather has not disappointed. This visit we have taken more of a relaxed approach not filling our days with site seeing but lazing by the pool, walks on the beach and evening trips for icecream. And to my surprise I have struggled with not organising and planning out every minute. I have had to make an effort to just go with the flow……. something that does not come naturally for me. Andrew has enjoyed napping on the lounge and Ben has enjoyed the evening trips for icecream He is in LOVE with cookies and cream icecream. He eats his own so quickly he moves on to sharing Mummy’s! Al, Claire and Hugo popped in for a visit today. We are truely blessed to have such wonderful family. I haven’t taken many picture yet this trip only a few to capture some special memories.




Ben Goes Shopping!!!

Andrew, Ben and I popped into Coles to grab some last minute groceries for our holiday.  Andrew convinced me that Ben would be fine walking and he didn’t need to be in a trolley.  Ben enjoyed holding the basket and walking with us.   He was greeted by smiles from other shoppers.   But……… the basket got heavy and Ben could no longer carry it.  It took a whole five seconds of not holding the basket and Ben was off.  Andrew chased Ben and I continued the shopping.  I moved through a few aisles when I came across Ben.  He was having a great time leaning in the milk fridge licking the tops of the milk bottles.  Why….. who knows!!   Andrew was nowhere to be seen.  I picked up Ben and quickly moved away from the milk hoping no one saw.  Finally Andrew comes down the aisle a little short of breath.  MMmmmmm I think I will be using the trolley for a little while longer or taking two baskets one for me and one for Ben!

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