Calling All Hopeless Romantics!!!

I stumbled accross this on Facebook a couple of weeks ago.  I don’t normally even watch these videos and never repost them.  But this one …….. I can’t wipe the smile off my face and my eyes are full of happy tears.  I am a hopeless HOPELESS romantic.  I just had to share it with all my hopeless romantic buddies!

When you watch this video be sure to notice the lovely lady  in the top right corner.

Guaranteed to make you smile!!!

Thank you Isaac and your lovely lady  for sharing.

my name.jpg

4 thoughts on “Calling All Hopeless Romantics!!!”

  1. I saw this one on Weekend Sunrise the other week and thought it was sweet too. I just love the amount of effort put in by everyone involved. How special would you feel?? 🙂

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