Our Acre

Oh…. what a morning.  Nothing serious but just one of those mornings when you feel nothing really is going your way.  I felt my whole body tense and I was so angry….. !  I dropped Ben at Kindy and then headed home.  Instead of going inside and fussing over jobs I went for a walk to the chickens.  They are so lovely and the morning was fresh.  I was only there for about ten minutes but there were so many visitors.  Our neighborhood family of ducks were crossing the road, the Magpies were so close I could have patted them, the miners were flying about, two lovely Kookaburra’s perched about one meter away from me and the silly scrub turkey came in for some breakfast.  I was reminded just why we live out of town.  I love it out here on our acre!!  Our flying visitors had helped me calm down and catch my breath.  Now back to the day……xo

Picnik collage birds

my name.jpg

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