My ‘Inner Granny’ Returns

I haven’t sewn, quilted or stitched anything really since Ben has been born.  I am not sure why ….. but I do plan to make up for it.     I do recall I used to get the odd ribbing for sewing….a ‘oh you are such a Granny!!’ comment,  but four years later it has become the modern thing to do!!  I have a cupboard full of goodies and a whole room I can set up.  Time to get sorted.

I thought this would be a great way to dust off the Bernina.  Heather from Blessed Little Nest (in the USA) is hosting a Hoop Art Swap.   Heather collected the names of people who wanted to participate through her blog, paired us up and we make a hoop art and swap it with them.  Just a bit of fun.  My partner is Sena from By the Bluegrass (Louisville, Kentucky USA).

I finished my hoop art last night.  I made two because I liked it so much.  One to keep and one to send to Sena.   I think it is cute…. I hope Sena likes it.  My inner Granny has returned…..

hoop art

and surprise, surprise it has bunting on it…..

my name.jpg


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