
Whether they are the stories we tell, or stories in books, stories are one of Ben’s favorite activities. I have enjoyed reading to Ben and watching how he reacts to books.  He often picks his own stories and loves to question what you read…. but why Mum why? how come? or whats that?.  He sometimes loves to read them to you.  He enjoys acting parts out – blowing a sailing ships across the page or pretending to eat the  gingerbread man off the pages.   Ben knows that the printed word carries a message and is now pointing out words that are meaningful to him.  As a Mum and an Early Childhood Educator I find this fascinating and exciting.  We are going to go to the library this week and sign up for a borrowing card.  He will just love picking books to take home.  Here are some of his favorites-

hairy_maclary.jpg Who sank the boat.jpg the-little-engine-that-could.jpg

51ZbP6osQML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg ginger.jpg

One thought on “Stories”

  1. These are some of my favourite books too. Can’t wait till the next order of books comes in from Hardie Grant. Have some classic books on the order so hope they can track them down – Pinocchio, The Toy Boat, Meerkat Mail and some of my faves, ‘This is London’, ‘This is Paris’, ‘This is New York’, ‘This is Australia’ and who wouldn’t love ‘The Pigeon Wants a Puppy’ and ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’. I think facilitating learning and encouraging a love of books in children is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Keep reading Ben and the exciting part is there are so many more stories for you to discover out there.
    Lot of Love, Aunty Tamxoxoxowoof(for Bonbon).

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