Just Add Water and ……Presto!


We are amazed at our veggie patch…. it is actually growing.  We don’t really know what we are doing, so we didn’t know what to expect.  We are learning as we go.  All we have really done is add water and ….. presto …….. veggie plants.  We do consult  with our only gardening book ‘Dig – Modern Australian Gardening’ by Meredith Kirton from time to time.

Here is an update of what has survived our questionable gardening talents, the magpies and the horrid scrub turkey – tomatoes {fabulously},  carrots {only three seedling have survived}, corn {most got pecked out}, beans {fabulously}, radishes {oh my goodness we are going to have dozens…. radish anyone?}, zucchini {fabulously until I transplanted three plants yesterday…. I think I killed them}, spring onions {most got pecked}, watermelon {only one plant left…does that mean only one watermelon?} pumpkin {two plants survived} and  passion fruit {fabulously}.  I think we are doing ok??


Ben is very keen to pull the carrots out!!  It is taking some convincing to stop him from doing this.  I am not sure he can wait any longer!!  I am almost tempted to let him as I want to know what is going on under there as well…….. I am not known for my patience either!!

Will keep you posted on the carrots and other gardening adventures….

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