Special Memories

24112009_002.jpgWe are back again at Peppers Salt Village for a week of sunshine. Once again the weather has not disappointed. This visit we have taken more of a relaxed approach not filling our days with site seeing but lazing by the pool, walks on the beach and evening trips for icecream. And to my surprise I have struggled with not organising and planning out every minute. I have had to make an effort to just go with the flow……. something that does not come naturally for me. Andrew has enjoyed napping on the lounge and Ben has enjoyed the evening trips for icecream He is in LOVE with cookies and cream icecream. He eats his own so quickly he moves on to sharing Mummy’s! Al, Claire and Hugo popped in for a visit today. We are truely blessed to have such wonderful family. I haven’t taken many picture yet this trip only a few to capture some special memories.


